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Pay Your Academic Deposit

The academic deposit is required of incoming first-time freshman. Transfer students may be required to submit the academic deposit related to WVU housing or Adventure WV.

Steps to Complete

  1. If you have not done so already, claim your account.
  2. Sign in to using your WVU Login credentials.
  3. Select the Pay Your Academic Deposit link inside WVU Portal.
  4. Pay the $250 academic deposit using an electronic check or credit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express).

Contact the if you have a technical problem while paying the academic deposit.

We also have answers to common questions about the academic deposit. If you have other questions about the academic deposit, please contact your .

The academic deposit is fully refundable if you submit the before May 1 (December 1 for students enrolling in the spring).

Blue skies and wispy clouds behind Woodburn Hall's clock tower.

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Admissions Counselors

Have questions about your next steps? Or about submitting your deposit? Your WVU admissions counselor is an expert on these topics (and many more, so ask them anything!). And it’s literally their job to chat with you! Reach out to them any time.

Office of Admissions

Our Admissions staff can assist with any questions or issues you encounter as you continue the steps to enroll. Business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (except for University holidays). Call us at 304-293-2121 or fill out our .